Friday, 24 April 2009

revolution one step at a time

I mentioned about meeting a vegetarian in my last post. I haven’t become a vegetarian overnight but I am not thinking more about the walfare of the animals that we eat.

I have now signed up to the anti KFC campaign. They treat their chickens pretty poorly. If we are going to eat animals we should at least treat them humanly and with respect. They say you can judge a person by how they treat animals. There is some truth in this.

Read great quote from Noel Gallagher on his brother Liam: He's the angriest man you'll ever meet. He's like a man with a fork in a world of soup". Haha! Sometimes life can seem like that for all of is. Maybe we should open our eyes and lift a spoon sometimes.

Carpe Diem Blogits. Lets start a revolution one step at a time. Every day we have an opportunity to manifest change. Today is the greatest day you will have. Its not a dress rehearsal.

Love and Peace

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

The Veggie Haunts my ड्रेंस

Was at a BBQ at the weekend and happened to get chatting to a veggie. It was actually a good BBQ for a veggie if that is possible in that there was a wide selection of pasta and salad type dishes, little bowls of olives and mozzarella, sun dried tomatoes etc etc.

I stuck to steak burgers, chicken and a couple of sausages.

I asked her about her motivations for not eating meat and she continued to tell me a few stories about her childhood experiences and her love of animals. She explained she grew up on a farm and would give the pigs, sheep and cows individual names. Then they would suddenly disappear. They had gone to a new home apparently, or so that’s what her uncle or dad would tell her.

One day she accompanied her dad to a Slaughter house and witnessed her farmyard buddies facing the chop. That was the turning point for her. She gave up meat from that day on.

I never thought much about it at the time but over the last few days it has entered my head a few times. Are we meant to eat meat? Could we do without our bacon sarnies or chicken tikka?
Is their cruelty involved in your ribeye? Are pigs intelligent? I could go on. All I know is its got me thinking abou things. Was also on a friends farm recently so maybe thats tainted things for me a bit - so maybe the future will mean only eating meat from animals who had a good, healthy life and were well cared for. Or does it mean going full blown and becoming a veggie. Time will tell blogspots.

Love and Peace